Teboil mobile app

You can now download the free Teboil mobile app from the app stores. With the application, you can easily pay for refueling at automates at all Teboil stations around Finland, when you have a Teboil Payment / Company or D-card. You can also add most common bank and credit cards to the application as means of payment!


Polttoainemittari ja auto

PAY FOR FUEL.  It's easy with the app!

huoltoasema ja sijaintimerkki

FIND THE NEAREST TEBOIL. Wherever in Finland your journeys take you, you can easily find the nearest Teboil and its services.


VIRTUAL CUSTOMER CARD. Your Teboil cards are with you in the mobile application! Using the mobile application requires a Customer Card, even if you already have a Teboil Company Card, Payment Card (Maksuaikakortti) or D Card. You will AUTOMATICALLY receive a virtual Customer Card when logging in, if you do not have one.

Download the Teboil mobile app from your app store and register as a user!

Please find more information on the Teboil mobile app in our Finnish Pages. 

How to add a Teboil payment card to the app (in Finnish)

 How to refuel using the mobile app?